Photographer. Writer. Ex-Architect. Surfer.

editorial & commercial work for
lifestyle brands

Obey the Arctic


The sky is indecisive, deferring to a sun refusing to slip low past the horizon. Beyond the blue black night, the swells of the Norwegian Sea pound up against the stony shores. Its dreadful sound floods the valley, sweeping in through the open window of our cabin. In the intervals, the winds carry the baa-baa of sheep popcorned over moss green…

wandering thoughts and human experiences

sugar waves, coastlines and smooth operators


Notes from Baleal

The winter sun slices in low over the sand-swept carpark, past a trio of wooden shacks, shuttered and disheveled. It pierces the Atlantic with austerity, pooling into the dimples, turning lead waters into oily sheets of platinum; emerald and glass where it swells up to touch the dawn sky. A pretty sight. But decidedly uninviting in its mind numbing, glacial and gelid elements. Still, it’s a calling for some. With asinine grins on our faces, we three paddle out into the rhythm of the Baleal blues.

wandering thoughts and human experiences

travel and personal frames, near and far